A decision made by the National Council of Quality (NCQ) has withdrawn the accreditation of three universities; The “Haxhi Zeka” university in Peja, the “Ukshin Hoti” university in Prizren and the “Isa Boletini” university in Mitrovica. PSD considers the decision just and completely in line with the Law of High Education which specifies the qualifications for how a University should work and be.
The decision attracted the immediate reaction of the highest institutional representatives, including the prime minister Haradinaj. This only confirms that the Educational System in Kosova deals with political pressures and interferences all the time.
In a media conference that was held today, Driton Çaushi, a deputy in the Parlament of Kosova, and Adea Batusha, a member of the Headship of PSD, condemned such interference within independent institutions. Such intrusion was seen as dangerous and as an act that will create unsolvable problems within the educational system.
Among other things, it was concluded that because of the involvement of politics in education and irresponsible decision-making, like the 2018 decision of the government to fire the board of NCQ, Kosova was excluded from EQAR.
The educational system has to be emancipated from uncontrolled meddling of the state’s apparatus. The autonomy of the High Education institutions is untouchable. There is no guarantee for quality while those in power misuse educational matters for electoral campaigns and party related interests.